Bella Rotta is Italian for "Beautiful Broken."

That element of brokenness in my work is intentional. 

I believe that brokenness is the source of all great beauty... it's why I break my paintings.

At the beginning of my journey, I was broken. The need to be perfect was killing me. There was no hope of being “good enough.”

Hopelessness set in. I felt isolation. Shame. No light was shining through my cracks.

I know God doesn’t make mistakes, but my life said otherwise.

It was through my brokenness that I discovered the path to wholeness.

I discovered a painting style that I call Bella Rotta.

Beautiful Broken. Beautifully Imperfect. Beautiful As Is.

Bella Rotta freed me from my despair. I was liberated from the prison of perfectionism. My soul rebooted. I learned how to rest and was filled with vitality. My work gave me purpose. I started to play again, and found joy. I discovered my muse and creativity flowed. I started living again. As the light began to shine through my cracks, I was finally safe to be Beautiful As Is.

Bella Rotta became my muse. Now, I fill my days, bringing the beauty, joy and freedom of Bella Rotta to my collectors through a co-creation experience. Whether you are looking to heal through creating, to bring the beauty of the outside in, or just want a unique piece of art for your home, your story becomes the muse.

Bella Rotta is a physical reminder that we are all Beautiful As Is.